Thursday, September 30, 2010

Big News!

Since I'm actually logged in to share the Free Contacts for Life contest with everyone... I figured I'd share our other news with you as well!

Matt and I are expecting a baby in February! We are very excited and a little nervous. I'm starting to feel a bit better and am enjoying feeling the baby move around. We decided to go the old fashioned way and wait until Baby is born to find out what the sex is!

Sorry to anyone who I didn't tell personally - I tried to catch everyone I thought would be interested, but if I missed you - I blame it on the pregnant brain syndrome.

Free Contacts for Life and $25 gift card to Amazon

1-800-CONTACTS is giving away free contacts for life when you enter
their sweepstakes, and there's
a new winner every day! No purchase necessary, no gimmicks, just free
contacts. Contest ends Wed, Oct 6th.

Even if you don't wear contacts you can still enter the sweepstakes.
Choose the FreshLook Colorblends with a power of 0.00. (This is just a
colored eye accessory but doesn't affect your vision.)

Matt will be giving away a $25 amazon gift card if you enter using his
link and send it around to 4 of your friends and include him on the

For the Contacts:

•Enter the 1-800-CONTACTS sweepstakes and leave a
comment on this post saying you did! (Don't forget to include your
email address.)

For the Gift Card:

•Send an email to four friends telling them about the
sweepstakes/giveaway, with a link back to this post, and copy Matt on
the email. {} Then leave a comment on this post saying
you did.