Monday, September 15, 2008

Adventures In Babysitting

We've got this really great babysitter who watches Spencer from the time that he gets out of school to when I am able to leave work. She and her husband are in their early/mid-twenties and have two kids. I think they are 2 and 3 years old. Spencer's been going to her for the last year and has really enjoyed it. She's great about getting him to do his homework and letting me know if there are any problems. She's also helped hold boundaries with him. We just love her.

This school year has been pretty rough so far. She's been stressed out with her husband's new school schedule and hasn't really been available as much as I need. Turns out, she's pregnant and not feeling well at all. She's got some strange cold-flu-thing that she had with her last pregnancy and isn't sure when she'll be feeling better. She let me know all of this tonight, and then she quit. Uuuuuggggghhhhhh. She was really, really nice about it. And I get it. I really do. I wouldn't want to watch someone else's kid if I was sick 24-7... hell, I probably wouldn't even want to watch my own kid if I was sick 24-7.

But still... now what? It took me a while to find someone we were happy with in the first place.

What I wouldn't give to be able to be home with my son.


stewbert said...

Oh no ... I'm so sorry. :( good, dependable child care is such a PITA to find ... repeatedly ...

Kimbooly said...

I have to laugh at the comment above not because of the comment maker, but because I'm in the habit of reading acronyms and substituting my own words. I laugh because I looked at it and immediately figured out, "Ah, Pain In The Ankles." Lol. I do the same for LMAO--Laughing My Ankles Off.

Silly me.

Anyway, I'm really sorry to hear about your babysitter. I hope something fits into place that is meant to be so that you can make work work. We will be fervently praying for you.

raising4boys said...

That's so hard! It's not easy finding someone you trust. (that's why I don't go out with my hubby much).

Praying you'll find someone really soon.